23 August 2011

blog fail

fail blogs. probably the one thing that hasn't failed so far on the internet. and there is no reason for it not to, everyone likes seeing people fall or hurt themselves or make a fool of themselves. it's human nature.

so what is a 'fail'? it is finding a picture that says just that - the person or thing in this picture has done something stupid. it could be a mistake in a direction board / placard or a person giving dumb answers to really simple questions or generally people doing something they are not supposed to be doing at that point in time. just about anything stupid.

there are a whole host of blogs and sites that collate and showcase these 'fails' the most noteworthy of them is one called failblog.org or wowfailblog.com. there is even a decently funny political one dedicated to surprise surprise politics called politicalfailblog.com.

so, i'm guessing you got the gist of what a 'fail' means in an online medium. if you haven't then this would be a 'blog fail'.

here's a book that showcases the losers around us. 

some signs just lead you nowhere

19 August 2011

the one point rule to raising good children

I've often heard this about parents in most parts of the world. Our kids don't listen. My son back answers. My daughter skips school.

Awwww... Nah....I say do what parents in India have been doing for centuries. Beat them. Beat them and they'll stay in line. Beat them and they'll always be home before you call them. My dad beat  the shit out of me. I'm sure his dad did so too. And that's what made me or so I think into a normal human being.

Or you could try talking to your kid. And we all know how that turned out. Look at what happened in England or at America.

Here's a video by Russel Peters that just proves this point.

I think this post is stupid

14 August 2011

the funny baldy scratches his head and wonders what the future holds

of late this baldy's been wondering about making his blog a bit helpful. sure laughing is fun but what if he could turn it into a resource for everything funny. damn, just thinking of it took all the fun out of it. no. seriously.

what if i could feature comedians both past and present, all those who left people in splits?

what if i cud write on the emerging trends in the world of humour. yeah yeah. lolcats, fail blogs, auto-correct messages and memes would find a place here.

what if i could write on the stand-up comedy scene? comedy store take note.

if there is anything you guys think i should review, some comedy related place i should visit or some new trend  you think is catching on, drop me a line. i'll do my best to dig deeper.

so there it is. this is what the funny baldy will be up to in the near future. at least till he thinks of something else.

now where's that beer?